Monday, January 26, 2015

1/26-Elizabeth-technologically challenged

In her article, Modeling Practices in Conceptual Innovation, Nersessian focuses on the understanding of scientific concepts as dynamic, continually changing through “model-based reasoning,” the formation of new concepts from various domains, and the role of these scientific ideas in the active process of investigation (2).  Nersessian discusses a novel and innovative study of hers in the field of ethnographic research, where the researchers sought to “recreate the brain,” therefore creating the dish-model system, which involved a neuron culture and the simple networking characteristics of the brain, to further understand the interactions between neurons when learning is taking place.  This study was a huge step in neurological research and understanding because it took what was unavailable for scientists to study, enabled them to make a simplistic model, and used the data collected to further understanding, make necessary changes, and add further complexity to the model.

In her book, Changing Minds, diSessa discusses the various meanings of the word, literacy and how they have changed over time.  She makes an important distinction between computation literacy, “an intelligence achieved cooperatively with external materials” and computer literacy, which alludes to the simple ability to work with a computer (6).  She begins by describing her three pillars of literacy: material (physical representations), cognitive (the mental component that is necessary alongside the material), and social, using the development of calculus to show the influence of this third component to change this mathematical literacy from merely a "pleasurable success for a few” to an “infrastructural assumption,” something that is necessary to drive the educational process (13).  Finally, diSessa uses the example of Galileo and his concept of uniform motion to show the extent to which literacy, specifically mathematical literacies, are infrastructural, breaking it down into the material, cognitive, and social components.  

Both authors incorporated various components of the 8 practices outlined by NGSS as critical for student success in the science and engineering classroom.  In the Neressian article, all 8 practices, from asking questions to constructing explanations, were used.  This is so mainly because it was a novel study that was conducted and there was a lot of room for investigation, explanation, and revision.  First, they started out with a question regarding the communication between neurons when learning takes place.  Then they developed the dish-model system and carried out a four year investigation.  Throughout those four years data was continually collected and additional computational models were created.  This was evident with the “bursting” component of their study, which prevented the detection of learning, which was critical for data to be collected.  Thus, the scientists had to come up with a way to prevent bursting (designing solutions and constructing explanations) and included one researcher creating a computational model of the system to promote progress and understanding of the neurons and their interaction.  Throughout the whole process, positive and productive argumentation took place from the obstacles they hit to the data that was collected.  While this study was new in its field, the information collected from this study has made a huge innovative step towards further understanding neurons and their interaction when learning. 

In the diSessa article, there was less emphasis on the experimental components of the 8 practices, such as developing and using models, planning and carrying out investigations, and analyzing and interpreting data, and more on using mathematical and computational thinking and communicating information.  Her emphasis on mathematical literacy is evident in the beginning of her book where she discusses the three pillars of literacy and their importance.  She also makes note to distinguish between computer literacy and computational literacy, deeming the latter to be more complex, involving the collaboration between mental ability and outside materials.  To me, her view that this literacy is incredibly important comes from her use of the word “infrastructural,” the idea that something is critical for the success of, in this case, the educational process (5).  Thus, mathematical and computational literacy is critical, or will be infrastructural, in the educational process.  While she does discuss the models of Galileo and Newton and their importance, diSessa does so in a way that focuses or emphasizes the importance of communication and clarity.  This is primarily evident in the Newton-Leibnitz debacle where, while Newton came up with the same concepts, his notation was clearer and therefore readily accepted.  It is what distinguishes something from being merely fun and pleasurable to necessary and infrastructural.          

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