Monday, January 26, 2015

1/12 David NGSS and Modeling Practice

Next Generation Science Standards Chapter 3 and Schwarz et al

Chapter 3 of the Next Generation Science Standards begins with encouraging the practice of science. Practicing science in the class including inquiry and modeling is important to a students knowledge. Eight different but related practices are described and then explained how they are fluid in practicing science. 
Schwarz et al focused more specifically on the modeling practice of Science Education. The importance of modeling is to incorporate the knowledge of theory and reasoning behind models so that learners understand why models are used.
Describe themes for both
Between both readings, use of effective modeling was strongly urged in Science and Engineering education. Effective modeling includes discussing how the model relates to what it is representing. Learners should be thinking about how the model is similar and different from the theory of the representation. Both readings discuss the importance of learners discussing models including explaining and arguing about the representations. Explanation and argumentation are critical to effective model use for Science learning; elaboration of ideas creates a deeper understanding of the theory.

Both readings used similar pictures to describe the role of models in Science Education. First, the Next Generation Science Standards described three columns labeled investigating, evaluating and developing explanations and solutions. Investigating in the real world involves asking questions, making observations, experimenting, measuring, collecting data and testing solutions. Developing explanations and solutions involves theories and models with imagination, reason, calculating, predicting, formulating hypotheses and proposing solutions. Connecting these two areas is evaluation where both are argued, critiqued and analyzed. Schwarz et al uses a similar picture to describe sense making and communicating understanding. On one side of the picture a table called elements of the practice lists constructing models, using models to explain and predict, evaluating models and revising models. The other side labeled meta-modeling knowledge lists models change to capture improved understanding built on new findings and models are generative tools for predicting and explaining. 

It is so easy to accept information from a media source and blindly accept what we were told. Engaging in practices creates good habits for students such as asking questions, communicating and understanding science. I think that models are never done being revised because learners are engaging in the models differently, unique to their perspective. Models can always be revised to help a learner gain a better understanding of the theory or knowledge. Teachers should be cautious telling students when to revise their models. Rather, the teacher should guide a class discussion about why a model should or should not be revised. Students should construct their knowledge as a whole, bringing value to their ideas.


  1. I agree that both of the readings described the modeling process and how it should be used similarly. If a model is created, but then not discussed, explained, revised, and improved upon, some knowledge may be missed or not thoroughly understood. When the model is only created, then, according to both articles, the student may not fully grasp the idea and will not be able to make connections to other phenomena.

  2. I agree with both of you that models cannot only be used. The importance of discussion, explanation, and revision cannot be overstated. This idea has been touched on in a couple posts, but it connects very well to the idea of making sure students are engaging in “minds on” activities. Often students go through the motions and complete hands on lab experiments, but without the proper discussion they don’t really get much out of the activity. The connection between the why and how needs to be addressed when using models to ensure students are actually grasping the concepts being investigated.
