Steve Slovenski
DiSessa begins by exploring how important
literacy is to our modern lives and how we take it for granted. He says that there are three pillars of
literacy: material (such as written language, dependent on technology),
cognitive (our intelligence and ability to interpret things like language) and
social (in the sense that all literacies are communally agreed upon). He uses an example of Galileo trying to
explain something without algebra to show how important literacy is, and then
proposes a definition for literacy: “Literacy is a socially widespread
patterned deployment of skills and capabilities in a context of material
support (that is, it is an exercise of material intelligence) to achieve valued
intellectual ends.” Finally, he argues that we need to think about how new literacies
should be promoted in the education system.
Nercessian’s paper details the
benefits of modeling to a scientific experiment. The experiment is a very complicated one
which takes several years. Over the
course of the experiment, several doctoral students develop their own models of
the neural network that is the focus of the experiment. As the experiment progresses, the students
refine and improve their several different models. Finally, the models converge and a productive
combination of the models is created that leads to important scientific
progress. The article shows that
modeling is a continuously evolving process that not only helps communicate
scientific ideas to others but also helps individuals understand the topic they
are modeling better.
Relevant themes & questions:
It is very
difficult to imagine what future literacies are supposed to look like. Does that mean people understand code
languages? Or is it something more
general about technology.
One thing working
to society’s advantage with future literacies is that technology makers have an
incentive to help people become literate in their product’s language. For example, facebook provides lots of
templates and help for people trying to make new facebook apps.
Modeling is
clearly a powerful tool for both communicating and learning. Computer models particularly are fascinating
in that you can put in rules that the simulation must follow and then sit back
and watch without having to do all of the calculations yourself. This provides an incredible opportunity to
model all kinds of things that used to be too complex to model.
NGSS practices in diSessa and Narcessian
The diSessa piece focuses on 5, 6, and 8 from the NGSS
practices. ‘Using mathematical and
computational thinking’ is discussed in the context of the material pillar of
literacy. diSessa says that if we don’t
have mathematical literacy, we will have trouble thinking mathematically
because math literacies are designed to make understanding math concepts
easier. diSessa mentions the ‘constructing
explanations’ standard when he uses Galileo’s explanation of some kinematics to
show how literacies make explaining things in science much easier. If we want to be able to construct
explanations for increasingly complex things in technology, we need to continue
to develop new literacies to make it possible.
‘Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information’ is discussed when
diSessa details the history of calculus notation and how important the
formation of a usable and clear language for calculus was. If we had gone with the more complicated
system of notation for calculus, communicating calculus concepts to other
people would have been much more difficult.
The Narcessian paper addresses ‘asking questions and
defining problems’ when it discusses how the bursts were initially considered
noise but turned out to be meaningful.
This was a case of an improperly defined problem which modeling helped
resolve. The scientists thought that
bursts were the problem, but they were actually part of the solution. The practice most stressed by the Narcessian
paper is ‘developing and using models’.
This is the whole focus of the paper.
The scientists used several different models and combined them in the
end after making numerous iterations that improved each time. The models not only communicated certain
aspects of the network to others, but they helped the scientists understand
what was actually going on in the network.
The paper addressed ‘analyzing and interpreting data’ by showing how the
models continuously evolved based on new data coming from the neural
network. As information flowed from the
network, it was used to improve the models.
‘Computational thinking’ was stressed when Narcessian discussed how the
computer model was made by one student who preferred to think in a more
mathematical way about the network. This
model ended up being extremely useful in benefiting from the study. ‘Constructing explanations’ was a skill used
by the scientists throughout. They were
continuously bombarded with new information both from the models and the
network itself, and they had to keep trying to find explanations that were
consistent with all of the available data. ‘Communicating information’ was discussed in
the context of sharing models. When the
scientists came together to combine the benefits of each individual model, they
had to carefully communicate to each other all of the aspects of their model. Working as a team collaborating together was
an important aspect of the study’s success.
I agree with the points you made about the diSessa article, especially about how critical it is to create literacy where communicating information is clear and effective. I found myself thinking about what that will look like for computational literacy. Does that mean that everyone should learn to write computer code, or does computer code still need to evolve to make it more accessible? Also, I wonder how close we are today to what diSessa was envisioning 15 years ago.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you that it is challenging to imagine what future literacies are supposed to look like. I was also wondering if this implies that most people will have to understand code languages. Me personally being rather ignorant in binary language and code writing in general, this can be an intimidating thought. However, after you brought up the example of how Facebook provides templates to help people make new apps and how tech companies have an incentive to help people become literate in their products language, I can see how there are many other ways one can engage in computational models to learn without necessarily needing knowledge of how to write/program code.