Sunday, February 1, 2015

2/2 - Kim - Decoding diSessa

From the NGSS, these core ideas for K-12 science instruction feature prominently in Nersessian:
1.        Have broad importance across multiple sciences or engineering disci-plines or be a key organizing principle of a single discipline.
2.        Provide a key tool for understanding or investigating more complex ideas and solving problems.
3.        Relate to the interests and life experiences of students or be connected to societal or personal concerns that require scientific or technological knowledge.
4.        Be teachable and learnable over multiple grades at increasing levels of depth and sophistication. That is, the idea can be made accessible to younger students but is broad enough to sustain continued investigation over years.

Nersessian wants conceptual innovation to transfer across time periods and methods of analysis because that is how it has been changing and advancing in present-day science.  I believe that diSessa’s ideas about computational literacy fit into this idea of transferability extremely well.  DiSessa asks us to assume that the future of computer programming will be accessible to learn for elementary-aged students.  He also emphasizes how programming, and his tick model, is the best way for students to learn about motion.  To him, the inferences students would learn from algebra and calculus are not enough because they are not synthetic, one cannot “experience” it.  I think on this point and a few others, my beliefs are in contention with diSessa because learning the basics of algebra and calculus are how students would begin to even understand what the computer is even synthesizing for them in the first place.  Maybe I do not “get it” because I learned the “old-fashioned” way, and maybe my understanding of motion would be far superior had I learned it via programming and the tick method.  I feel like this is an important consideration that diSessa has glossed over, but I do not think anybody could know for certain which method is best.


  1. I didn't read diSessa's piece as saying that programming was better than algebra and calculus for learning about motion, or that algebra and calculus aren't enough for understanding motion. When I read his piece, I found myself thinking about the affordances and constraints of each literacy, and I think that diSessa is positioning programming as a literacy with the affordances of accessibility, concreteness, and experience, but by doing so he is not necessarily de-valuing the work done by Galileo or Newton and Leibniz. Each new literacy layers over earlier ones. So, students don't need to understand the algebra or calculus the computer is synthesizing as they program a model, they can construct that knowledge for themselves in the process.

  2. Jenna,
    I understand that diSessa was only trying to highlight the affordances of children being able to actually see the modeling of motion with computer programing but I think understanding the algebra or calculus behind that programming is invaluable. I know that I am biased on this matter for some reason, but I feel it is akin to teachers deciding not to teach the basics of English grammar or pronunciation rules to children just because they will be using computers and therefore have a word processor that will do spell/grammar checks for them. I think of algebra and calculus as a tool scientists need to use in order to explain so many other phenomena that the point is moot even if children could just teach themselves this single concept by working through a program.
